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Adds a flag icon.
Usage Example of {{Flag}}
The following code:
Country Variables (Usable Abbreviations)
In addition to writing out the full name of each country, you can also use two-letter country codes and in some cases other common abbreviations.
- Argentina Argentina (ar)
- Armenia Armenia (am)
Australia (au)
- Austria Austria (at)
- Azerbaijan Azerbaijan (az)
- Bangladesh Bangladesh (bd)
- Belarus Belarus (by)
- Belgium Belgium (be)
- Bolivia Bolivia (bo)
- Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina (ba)
- Brazil Brazil (br)
- Bulgaria Bulgaria (bg)
- Canada Canada (ca)
- Chile Chile (cl)
- China China (cn)
- Colombia Colombia (co)
Costa Rica (cr)
- Croatia Croatia (hr)
- Czech Republic Czech Republic (cz)
- Denmark Denmark (dk)
- Dominican Republic Dominican Republic (do)
- Egypt Egypt (eg)
- El Salvador El Salvador (sv)
- England England (en)
- EngSpeaking EngSpeaking (usuk)
- Europe Europe (eu)
- Estonia Estonia (ee)
Ecuador (ec)
- Faroe Islands Faroe Islands (fo)
- Finland Finland (fi)
- France France (fr)
Germany (de)
- GerSpeaking GerSpeaking (deat)
Greece (gr)
- Guatemala Guatemala (gt)
Hong Kong (hk)
- Honduras Honduras (hn)
- Hungary Hungary (hu)
- Iceland Iceland (is)
- India India (in)
- Indonesia Indonesia (id)
- Israel Israel (il)
- Iran Iran (ir)
- Ireland Ireland (ie)
Italy (it)
Japan (jp)
- Kazakhstan Kazakhstan (kz)
Korea (kr)
- Kuwait Kuwait (kw)
- Latvia Latvia (lv)
- Libya Libya (ly)
- Liechtenstein Liechtenstein (li)
- Lithuania Lithuania (lt)
- Luxembourg Luxembourg (lu)
- Macedonia Macedonia (mk)
Malaysia (my)
- Maldives Maldives (mv)
- Malta Malta (mt)
Mexico (mx)
- Moldova Moldova (md)
- Morocco Morocco (ma)
- Namibia Namibia (na)
- Netherlands Netherlands (nl)
New Zealand (nz)
- Nigeria Nigeria (ng)
- Northern Ireland Northern Ireland (ni)
- Norway Norway (no)
- Panama Panama (pa)
- Pakistan Pakistan (pk)
- Paraguay Paraguay (py)
Peru (pe)
Philippines (ph)
- Poland Poland (pl)
- Portugal Portugal (pt)
- Puerto Rico Puerto Rico (pr)
- Romania Romania (ro)
- Russia Russia (ru)
- Scotland Scotland (sc)
- Serbia Serbia (rs)
Singapore (sg)
- Slovak Republic Slovak Republic (sk)
- Slovenia Slovenia (si)
- South Africa South Africa (za)
- Somalia Somalia (so)
Spain (es)
- Sweden Sweden (se)
- Switzerland Switzerland (ch)
Taiwan (tw)
Thailand (th)
- Trinidad And Tobago Trinidad And Tobago (tt)
- Turkey Turkey (tr)
- Tunisia Tunisia (tn)
- Ukraine Ukraine (ua)
- United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates (ae, uae)
- United Kingdom United Kingdom (gb, uk)
- United Nations United Nations (un)
USA (us)
- Uzbekistan Uzbekistan (uz)
- Venezuela Venezuela (ve)
- Vietnam Vietnam (vn)
- Wales Wales (wa)
- Zimbabwe Zimbabwe (zw)
Use with {{Col}} and {{Col-break}} to create columns.
Template:ColColumn1Template:Col-breakColumn2Template loop detected: Template:EndCol If the flag name is spelled incorrectly the page gets added to Category:Unrecognised Flag and a transparent filler flag is used to keep alignment consistent. The invisible flag can optionally be added intentionally by writing "filler flag" or "ff".
When adding additional flags or making other relevant updates to the {{Flag}}-template, please consider making the corresponding changes to the {{FlagLoc}}-template.